Generate a managed class for WMI instrumentation

So,I need a list of services from a remote machine for an application I am building for Wendys.  I wrote a boatload of System.Management code to do it, liike something like this:

   1:  Public Function ListServices() As Dictionary(Of String, String)
   2:    co = New ConnectionOptions()
   3:    co.Username = My.Settings.Username
   4:    co.Password = My.Settings.Password
   5:    co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate
   6:    scope = New ManagementScope("\\" + IPNumber + "\root\cimv2", co)
   7:    Dim result As New Dictionary(Of String, String)
   8:    Dim mc As New ManagementClass("Win32_Service")
   9:    Dim oc As ManagementObjectCollection
  10:    Dim query As New ObjectQuery
  11:    query.QueryString = "SELECT * FROM Win32_Service"
  12:    Dim mos As New ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, query)
  13:    oc = mos.Get
  14:    For Each item As ManagementObject In oc
  15:      result.Add(item.Item("DisplayName"), item.Item("State"))
  16:    Next
  17:    Return result
  18:  End Function 


Then what did I learn?  Lo and behold, there is a Tool To Do This.  I hate it when that happens!  Just pass in the WMI namespace and it will generate all the class code you can eat.  (Win32_Battery made me 2800 lines of code).  Check it out here on MSDN.

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