Man, was this a pain in the butt. Seems like downloading a file from a remote PC would be easy, but 'taint. This worked great for me, your mileage may vary.
1: 'First we set up all of the filenames and locations, making heavy use of app.config.
2: Dim filename As String = String.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}.txt", CDate(checkDate).Year.ToString, CDate(checkDate).Month.ToString, CDate(checkDate).Day.ToString + 1)
3: Dim RemoteFile As String = String.Format("\\{0}\{1}\{2}", My.Settings.IpNumber, My.Settings.LogDirectory, filename)
4: Dim LocalDirectory As String = String.Format("{0}logs\", My.Settings.ReportLocation)
5: Dim LocalFile As String = String.Format("{0}{1}", LocalDirectory, filename)
6: 'Hey, check for the localdirectory
7: If Not Directory.Exists(LocalDirectory) Then
8: Directory.CreateDirectory(LocalDirectory)
9: End If
10: 'Then we set up a little security
11: Dim myClient As New System.Net.WebClient
12: Dim myCreds As New System.Net.NetworkCredential(My.Settings.Username, My.Settings.Password)
13: 'Log the fact that we are starting.
14: My.Application.Log.WriteEntry(String.Format("Starting download of file {0}", fileName))
15: 'Set up the securit
16: myClient.Credentials = myCreds
17: 'Now we actually try and get the file.
18: Try
19: myClient.DownloadFile(RemoteFile, LocalFile)
20: Catch uae As System.UnauthorizedAccessException
21: My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(LocalFile, String.Format("The file path to file {0} was not available at the time of this posting.", file), True)
22: Catch ex As Exception
23: My.Application.Log.WriteException(ex)
24: End Try
25: My.Application.Log.WriteEntry(String.Format("Finished download of file {0}", fileName))
Did this as part of a project at Wendy's. Part of the Classic Posts collection. (heh)